Hair Loss

Millions of men and women around the nation struggle with the effects of hair loss every year, often because they do not know how to effectively treat it. There are many different factors that contribute to this hair loss, including genetics, stress, nutritional deficiencies, and hormone imbalances. Some types of hair loss are caused by scalp damage that results from tightly braided hairstyles, excessive use of heat products like blow dryers, harsh chemical hair treatments, and more.

Many people experiencing hair loss cringe at the idea of going through painful and costly surgical hair loss treatments. At HRT Medics, we offer a range of non-surgical hair loss treatment options. No matter what type of hair loss you are experiencing, or what caused it, our team will create a treatment plan to address your individual concerns. Our hair loss program offers seven different medication-based treatments, which we will discuss below.



Often called by a common brand name, Propecia, finasteride is an FDA-approved treatment for hair loss. However, this treatment should not be used by women due to the risks of adverse side effects. Finasteride helps to block the formation of dihydrotestosterone, one of the biggest contributors to male pattern hair loss. It is considered to be one of the most effective prescription-grade hair loss treatments available on the market today. Studies have found that over two-thirds of men who use finasteride show thicker hair and diminished hair loss after using it for 6 to 12 months. It is administered as a daily oral tablet, which means that is one of the easiest ways to treat hair loss.


Also known as a copper peptide, GHK-Cu is a regenerative compound found naturally in our bodies. It is composed of three different amino acids: glycyl, histidyl, and lysine. These amino acids bind to copper ions in your body, helping to regulate how quickly your body metabolizes them. GHK-Cu treatment helps to naturally stimulate hair growth by increasing follicle size and hair thickness while reducing hair loss. It can also promote collagen production in the body and stimulates blood vessels. GHK-Cu is a more natural hair loss treatment option that has fewer risks of side effects like scalp irritation.


You may know the medication minoxidil better by its most popular brand name, Rogaine. This FDA-approved hair loss treatment is a highly effective option for most people regardless of gender. Applied once daily to the scalp, minoxidil helps to prolong the hair growth cycle. Though it may take several months of treatment for you to notice a difference, Minoxidil is especially effective at preventing additional hair loss.


You have probably heard about melatonin as a natural sleep aid, but did you know that it has also been found to help treat hair loss? Clinical trials have found that the use of melatonin significantly decreased issues with hair loss for nearly two-thirds of all patients after just 90 days. The key difference between using melatonin for sleep regulation versus hair loss is in how you use it. Oral tablets help you sleep, whereas topical creams applied to the scalp treat hair loss.


Tretinoin is a type of retinol, and while you may associate this compound with anti-aging skincare products, it has also been shown to help with hair loss. This medication increases blood flow to hair follicles, which ultimately promotes hair growth. Tretinoin has been found to be the most effective when combined with minoxidil. A study on using these two treatments in tandem found that over two-thirds of subjects saw hair regrowth after one year of treatment.

Caffeine Scalp Foam

Everyone is aware of how the caffeine in our favorite beverages creates a noticeable boost in energy during the day, but did you know that it can also be utilized as a hair loss treatment? When caffeine is applied to the scalp in the form of foam, it has been found to help stimulate follicles and improve hair growth. Some studies have found that caffeine helps to counteract the negative effects of dihydrotestosterone, much like finasteride does. It has also been found to thicken hair, as well as slow down hair loss.

Effectively Treat Your Hair Loss at HRT Medic

No matter the culprit of unwanted hair loss, you don’t have to live with the impending doom of acquiring baldness. With multiple different hair loss treatments available – that require no out-patient procedures or missing time from work – HRT Medics can help you to address your hair loss concerns. Contact us today to set up your initial consultation. We will assess your hair loss, discuss your goals, and help design the right hair loss treatment plan for you.