Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Why it's so unique?

Testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, is a way to help supplement the natural testosterone levels in your body. As men age, the amount of testosterone naturally produced declines – by as much as fifty percent for men in their 70s and 80s. This is often referred to as low-T. Testosterone replacement therapy can help alleviate the concerns of low-T by boosting your testosterone levels back up to where they were in your younger years.


Testosterone Therapy Benefits

Lower testosterone levels may be a natural part of aging, but that does not mean it comes without side effects – or that you’re stuck dealing with it. Many men find that, with age, they experience various symptoms that are directly tied to low testosterone levels. This lack of testosterone in a man’s system can lead to a range of negative symptoms, including

  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Weight gain
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decreased libido
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Short term memory issues or trouble concentrating
  • Fatigue
  • Problems sleeping
  • Decreased bone density

Many men find that boosting their natural testosterone levels with TRT helps to lessen or entirely eliminate these symptoms. Ultimately, our male clients report having enhanced libido, sexual function, more energy, better memory, more restful sleep, and increased bone density.

What Kinds of Testosterone Does HRT Medics Use?

There are easily hundreds of different supplements on the market that claim to help treat low-T, however, many of these supplements contain either no testosterone or a form that the body cannot absorb effectively. HRT Medics’ years of experience have helped our team narrow down our TRT options to only those that show the best results for our clients. Our testosterone therapy options include:

Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone Cypionate is a prescription-only form of injectable testosterone. It mimics your body’s natural testosterone effectively. This injectable therapy is easily absorbable and mimics the natural fluctuation of your testosterone levels during the day.


Gonadorelin is another type of injectable medication we offer for TRT. This hormone is naturally produced within the body and is known for stimulating the release of sex hormones. Low gonadorelin can cause low-T because there isn’t enough in your system to tell your body to produce more testosterone. Injectable supplementation of gonadorelin increases your body’s natural production of testosterone.

HCG Injections and Benefits for Low-T

Another testosterone replacement therapy option we offer here at HRT Medics is HCG injections. HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. When combined with other TRT options, HCG therapy increases your natural testosterone production. HCG mimics LH, or luteinizing hormone, which signals the brain to produce testosterone. One of the most appealing things about HCG injections is that, for men who plan to have more children in the future, there is no risk of lowering sperm count.

What is Post Cycle Therapy?

Post-cycle therapy, or PCT, is an important part of recovering from a cycle of performance-enhancing drugs, or PEDs. Whether you are a professional bodybuilder or simply an average male trying to increase your muscle mass, there are many reasons why people take PEDs. In order to prevent them from causing harm, however, it is important to complete PCT. When you take PEDs, your body slows and can even stop producing testosterone naturally. PCT treatment encourages your body to stabilize hormone levels to avoid reaching dangerously low testosterone levels.

At HRT Medics, we often recommend the use of estrogen blockers for post-cycle therapy. These medications are effective in re-balancing your hormone levels while also helping you to maintain lean muscle mass, energy, libido, and strength. We currently offer three different estrogen blockers for PCT, including:

Risks of TRT

Like any other medical treatment, there is a possibility of side effects from testosterone replacement therapy. Most commonly, men experience mild side effects like fluid retention, increased acne, and increased urination. Some men, however, may experience more serious side effects. These can include:

  • Worsening sleep apnea
  • Breast tissue growth
  • High cholesterol
  • Decreased sperm count or infertility
  • Decreased testicle size
  • Increased red blood cell count, which can lead to blood clots


The risk of side effects is one of the biggest reasons why you should not try to do TRT on your own. Supplements and illicit injections available online are often ineffective, counterproductive, and dangerous. Extremely elevated testosterone levels often lead to serious side effects, which is why you should always consult with a professional when seeking to participate in testosterone replacement therapy.

At HRT Medics, we specialize in testosterone replacement therapy. Unlike regular doctors, we have dedicated our careers to researching the most effective ways to treat low-T in men. We know that no two clients’ symptoms or concerns are the same. That is why we personalize our TRT program on a case-by-case basis. Our extensive follow-up program ensures that your treatment is always on track. Furthermore, if you aren’t seeing the results you want, we will adjust your treatment until you are fully satisfied. Let us help you get back to feeling like the man you were in your 20s and 30s. Contact us today to learn more about our TRT program, and get scheduled for your initial visit.