HGH Therapy

What is HGH?

Human growth hormone, or HGH, therapy has become one of the most popular, progressive anti-aging treatments. HGH is important for cell regeneration and reproduction. This proactive therapy builds, repairs, and maintains muscles and other tissues in sensitive areas throughout our bodies. As we age, natural HGH production within our bodies declines. This can lead to changes in bone density, muscle mass, metabolism, sleep patterns, and overall physical health. Low HGH levels can even contribute to a weakened immune system, increasing an individual’s susceptibility to illnesses. HGH therapy addresses these concerns directly, keeping our clients happy and healthy long into their golden years.


Who's a Candidate?

Anyone with concerns about their overall health, or an interest in anti-aging techniques, would be a perfect candidate for HGH therapy. Many athletes utilize HGH therapy to enhance stamina and maintain peak performance levels. Furthermore, many of our average clients also participate in HGH therapy in order to keep themselves feeling strong and looking healthy. HGH therapy is vastly beneficial and the results are welcomed by all of our clients, throughout various walks of life.

What are the Benefits?

HGH therapy offers a variety of benefits that our clients continue to rave about. As the amount of HGH in your body increases through this targeted therapy, so will the improvements to your body. The main benefits of hGH therapy include:

  • Improved Muscle Mass & Strength

    Both men and women deal with reduced muscle mass and strength as they age. HGH therapy helps to improve muscle retention and growth by stimulating collagen production in the body. This helps increase your overall physical strength as well as your appearance.
  • Improved Weight Loss

    Individuals carrying extra, unwanted weight directly benefit from our HGH therapy at HRT Medics. Obesity is one of the leading causes of suppressed HGH levels. HGH therapy combined with a healthy diet is one of the most effective methods of achieving faster and more sustainable weight loss.
  • Increased Testosterone Levels

    One of the side effects of low HGH levels in men is a decrease in the amount of testosterone their body produces. HGH therapy increases testosterone levels and eliminates complications for men struggling with libido, fatigue, mood swings, and many other issues.
  • Stronger Immune System & Faster Healing

    As HGH levels decrease in the body, so does the body’s ability to heal itself. Individuals with low HGH levels often struggle to heal from the smallest scratch or bruise and often find themselves more susceptible to weakened immune responses. HGH therapy helps to increase cellular regeneration, strengthening the immune system, and promoting the body’s natural healing process.
  • Increased Bone Density

    One of the biggest concerns for women is the increased risks of developing osteoporosis with age. Fortunately, HGH therapy combined with another injection, called IGF-1, can significantly increase bone density. This miraculous therapy lowers the risk of age-related fractures and increases overall active longevity.
  • Protection for Your Heart

    Another side effect of low HGH levels can be an increased chance of fatty blockages in your cardiovascular system. HGH therapy lowers cholesterol, reducing the risks of developing blockages, stroke, heart attack, and heart disease.
  • Improved Sleep Quality

    Adequate, quality sleep is extremely important to not only our health but also our ability to be productive and motivated throughout each and every day.. Decreased HGH levels can lead to issues such as insomnia and disruptive sleep patterns. HGH therapy promotes quality REM and non-REM sleep, not only increasing your health but also your overall motivation and performance.

Different HGH Injections

Most of our clients at HRT Medics are surprised to learn that there different types of HGH injections available for use. While there are several supplements on the market that claim to contain HGH, and even illicit injections available to purchase online, you should only trust HGH therapy administered by a medical professional. Unlike these illusive supplements or injections, all of our HGH injections at HRT Medics are clinically tested for both safety and effectiveness. Our office currently offers four different HGH injections to help treat your low-HGH concerns in the most effective way possible. These include:

HGH Side Effects

As with any other type of medication or medical therapy, HGH therapy does have some risk of side effects for both men and women. Most of our patients experience mild side effects or none at all. However, the most common risks of HGH therapy can include:

  • Nerve, muscle, or joint pain
  • A numbness or tingling around the injection site
  • Mood changes
  • Low blood sugar
  • Fatigue

The greatest risks of side effects are reported with overuse of HGH injections, which is another reason to forgo attempting this therapy with illicit online injections. A licensed physician that specializes in HGH therapy will be able to ensure that you are getting the correct dose at all times. Overuse of HGH can also lead to more serious side effects, including:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Swelling of the arms of legs due to fluid retention
  • High cholesterol
  • Increased risk of diabetes
  • Cancerous tumor growth
  • Enlarged heart
  • Breast tissue growth in men
  • Liver damage

HGH Therapy with HRT Medics

The most important thing to look for if you are interested in HGH therapy is a quality facility that specializes in administering these injections. Most doctors, including your normal family practitioner, do not specialize in HGH therapy. While other practices may offer HGH injections, many do not have the extensive training our staff at HRT Medics have.

Our experienced and friendly staff customizes a personalized treatment plan and will administer the exact HGH injection you need at the most appropriate dosage in order to achieve the desired results. You can trust HRT Medics to provide the most effective HGH therapy, with little or no side effects. Contact us today to learn more about our HGH therapy options, and how it can help you live a healthier and happier life.